Tuesday, July 7, 2015

"Blood Moon Rising" - 20"x34"x1.5" - Acrylic on canvas - $225.00

A "blood moon" is a phenomenon that occurs during a lunar eclipse.  The earth passes between the moon and the sun blocking a lot of the suns rays and some of the light actually bends around the earth causing the surface of the moon to appear reddish in color.  There is a belief that when several blood moons occur in close proximity to each other and the days coincide with Jewish feast days that something remarkable is about to occur regarding the nation of Israel.  This coinciding of the blood moons to the four Jewish feast days has occurred 10 times since 1 AD and three times since 1492.  (When Columbus sailed the ocean blue...) 

Many people believe that these blood moons are a token of a radical change ahead such as the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the beginning of the tribulation period.  Blood moons have occurred on 4/15/14, 10/18/14, 4/4/15 and the fourth is set to happen on 9/15/15.  These four dates fall either on the Jewish Passover or on the Feast of Tabernacles.  What will happen on or near Sept. 15, 2015?  Well the fact is that no one knows for sure and even Jesus said that no one knew the date of His return except for His father in heaven. (Mark 13:32)

What we do know is that the day of His return is closer than ever and that we need to be ready for it.  Are you ready?

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