Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Rush Hour (Circa 1950)

It has taken me days to name this painting!  I simply cannot get past the nostalgic feeling I get when I look at it and I feel like I am taking a trip in the "way back" machine.  (Some of you will get that)  There is a lot of movement and high energy in this painting.  I can almost hear the horns blaring and see the taxi's flying by in 1950's NYC.  I also experience just a touch of vertigo as I feel as if I am looking up at the sun drenched sky scrapers looming over the city.  There is no place on earth like New York City, it's as if it has a life of its own.  I have been there several times and each trip is as exciting as the last, however, I am always glad to escape the mad rush and settle back into my quiet surroundings here in the Ozarks.

Untitled Acrylic Abstract

This little painting is small (11 x 14) however it holds great meaning for me.  It represents a total liberation from any pre-conceived notions of what people expect my art to be.  I am very excited by the artistic liberty that I experienced during the creation of this piece.  The entire painting only took about 20 minutes to create and not once during the creative process did I experience that all too common "fear of failure" nor did I have even the most fleeting thought of what it was supposed to be.  (I know one of you out there is saying "well, that's obvious" and that's ok...)  Honestly, with each painting that I create now, I am experiencing more and more of this emancipation and I have to say that it feels pretty good.  I hope you are experiencing liberty in your life today because with liberty comes peace and through peace we can most assuredly say that we are "free at last, free at last"!

CERN #2 Protons In Motion

Ok, here is painting number two in the CERN series.  I think I liked the first one a little better but my wife likes this one.  I should mention that in this series the only tool I used to apply the paint was a credit card, specifically one of those clearish AMEX cards the "MAN" sends you in the mail.  I liked it because it was a little thinner and more flexible than a regulard card which allowed me to have a little more control over the paint.  If you look at the color pallet of the three paintings in this series you will see a representation of the fall, winter and spring seasons.  This was purely unintentional but it could make for a good story later while viewing them together in a gallery somewhere...

CERN #1 Particles Accelerating

Number one in a series of three (so far) paintings representing the large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland.  I am fascinated by the mysteries of the sub-atomic world!  I mean what is a quark really and what will ever happen if they find their so called God particle the Higgs Boson.  Maybe science will be able to explain what holds the nucleus of an atom together then.  Now they call it the "strong nuclear force" and in my opinion they should just say "we aren't sure what holds a nucleus together".  I mean all those protons and neutrons packed into a tight dense mass at the center of every atom.  Protons are all positively charged and should repel each other, but, they don't.  Herein lies the great mystery.  Stay tuned in the years to come to see what develops or... You might read Colossians 1:16-17 paying particular attention to the word "consist".  I think the scientists had it right back in the early days of sub-atomic exploration when they simply called this phenomenon: "The God Force"!!

Now Showing.....

Less than a year from quitting my job to become a full time professional artist, I have been accepted into FRESH Gallery in downtown Springfield, Missouri!  In addition (yes, there's more!) I am also currently showing at HeBrews Coffee and have a show set for June at Randy Bacon's gallery which is a premier venue here in Springfield.  These are exciting times and I hope that I am able to "spring forward" so to speak from the momentum of these events.  While I can certainly see my work evolving and my skills increasing I have not discovered my exact niche yet.  I believe this is because of the years of repressed art that are still pouring out of me!  I see my work as surreal, POP-ish and as pure abstract expressionism at times.  Maybe I won't develope a niche and that will be what sets me apart from the rest.  Time will tell...  Stay tuned and watch for posts of new art!