Wednesday, April 10, 2013

"Dark Matter" - 24" x 24" x 1.5" - Acrylic on door panel - $225.00 SOLD

This is a small piece from a series of paintings in which I am experimenting with a wet on wet technique.  There is something very organic about the ways colors blend into each other and I am very drawn to these effects.  In this painting I imagine cluster after cluster of galaxies filling the universe with only the blackness of space between them.  Apparently, to scientists,  this so called "empty space" is not empty at all but is made up of a combination of dark matter and dark energy.  They say that over the life of the universe that 75% of dark matter has converted to dark energy and that this "stuff" (that cannot be seen or proven to exist) is now causing the universe to expand faster.  To me this is yet another example of how God works.  You cannot see him and yet His effects can be measured in our lives.  We cannot feel his Spirit physically yet we experience the effects of His love and grace every single day!  If science can have faith in an invisible source of matter and energy that causes an effect over the entire universe, then why is it so strange for me to have faith in God?

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